Thia ia the pic with her smiling from ears to ears.. which was taken not today but few years back. You can sayshe was happy and so was i hehehe... Today is the day that marks her half decade of life oredi reaching the age 50(thank god she doesnt read this or not am dead)...
Having gone thru so much inlife i guess one would saythat she needed to be all smiles but lets say nuthings a fairy tLE..
For all that you have showeredus with,
never wanting ANYthing for yourself,
onlygiving to us all that we need,
i know there were times when u were sad,
when we dissapointed u or didnt leave up to the mark,
Never once did u give up on us and for that mother,
we thank you from the bottom of our heart,
for always believing in us,
for all the hard work u put in,
Just wait for a few more years and when we start working,
All that was once ours we will make sure we give u in return all u didnt get,
Happpy Birthday again and mayall your wish come tru mum.......