This was my day 5 trip.. it was to Nami island in chuncheon. Since we were staying in Yellow Brick , we took the jongno3ga to chuncheon which was roughly 2 hours plus and we had to chain subways in between.. There is a korea subway app which isvery easy to use as it calculates which station to stop and change and roughly how much we spend to the island. The adress incase you need to ask direction is
024, Bukhangangbyeon-ro, Gapyeong-eup, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do
경기도 가평군 가평읍 북한강변로 1024 (출입국관리사무소) |
Once you have reach there, you canchoose between taking the bus to your destination or pay 5oo0 won for 4 stops in that area. Once there you can ask the tourist information counter. the people there were very freindly and thats when we started doing our experiment...
upon arival at Cheongpyeong station |
at the starting of the island..since i took the flying fox whichwas 37000 won didnt get to snap the entrance of the island. |
It was a nice place to pose for a picture, and the workers were busy playing baseball at the back. |
Cute snowmen, we had our lunch here and i think the 4 of us spen nearly 100000won on lunch. |
Being crazy is a must lol |
Autumn leaves.... so nice |
i just had to take a surround shot of the place |
There was a statue for them from winter sonata, the drama really played a role as it boosted tourism to the island. there is actually the scenes from the drama written in the map. |
By the way you canwalk the whole island or rent bikes for 10 000 won for an hour. the island small and there are alot of weirdstatus as you go walk along . |
This was the entrance to the island as you can see there is snowmans at the entrance and around the island. |
The famous lane in the drama, i wish i could come here during winter lol.. |
This can be seen at the entrance and also when you departing using the ferry which is 2 ways for 10 000won people. |