GEMINI forecast of Aril horoscope 2012
Monthly Gemini Horoscopeby:- Pt. Punarvasu
( Mithun )
Monthly Horoscope Forecast is based on your Moon Sign. If you do not know your Moon Sign. Please Click Here to find out free without any question. We usually get back with in one day.
An excellent month for you as nearly all planets are in favor. You will find support from various quarters, while you will yourself be in command of things all-round. Your mind will be clearer than before although a certain amount of weakness in thinking and perception would remain. You action might look biased and unsteady due to this at time.
Friends will play an important part in your progress, as would people in position of power. You might end up wasting time and money on friends this month. You should remain cautious mostly on this account.
New transactions and new contacts in work environment will remain throughout. Many deals could come up. It would be up to you to accept and make the transactions happen.
Your status and position will improve after the 14th April 2012. Aggression on a sub conscious level will ease out too after the 14th April 2012.
Career will be on a roll and there could be opportunities for growth due to your creativity, networking skills and support of people in position of power. A certain amount of clarity and comfort would emerge in work after the 7th April 2012. Avoid major career decisions till such time.
Work environment will be very active and dynamic. Politics at work will be high. You should avoid getting embroiled in controversies.Subordinates will help bring progress. Chances of a show down with team members possible close to the 14th April 2012. There would be easier terms thereafter.
Love life will be slow and the progress would be low compared to the potential or the desire you might harbor. It would be better to go with the flow, rather than try and make things happen.
Relationships will see seriousness and need to making some fundamental temperamental adjustments to progress with your relationship.
Marriage matters will be very happy and fulfilling. Socially you and your spouse would have a great time.
Money matters will be positive, although unaccounted and unplanned expenses will continue to bother you and prove to be a drain on your finances. There will be good amount of gains.
Income will be good throughout. Blocks and hurdles present since end January will give way to easier times after the 14th April 2012.
Investments of long term nature will be good. You might be tempted to liquidate investments for self gratification. You need to avoid the temptation.
Family life will be good throughout, although conduct of children will be disturbing at times. Health will be good throughout.
Remedies suggested for Saturn and Ketu.