Some pics in Thailand

Soo colorful... clothes all kind and it has a touch of india designs to it..

This were some interesting designs we saw...As u can see the first one was eye catching..

hmmm yum yum hat som tom papaya dish we tried here which was like kerabu,,

This was at the mall we took pics while browsing at branded goods.

Big juicy, oily prawns but the after effect of the taste was sea water..

This is our limelight ANGERY BIRD... the guy was dressed up like a cowboy and selling his angery bird which he proceeded top chicken and ayam...

This was infront of one of the mall nearr the big pasar where they sell everything...

Junk food from kacan to sweets to some weird stuffand their mangoss

Thi was me when i just arrived and we were having lunch seafood and i would like to say our kedah seafood is still more yummier...

This was at the borders going to thailand and i must say the border that separates us is just nearby u know..


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